Why I'm doing meditation ?

It's been a year now that I'm practicing meditation on my own. Why?


Last year I was away in New-Zealand working on several features films, coming back to my home town after a year to see my family, I felt the need to change something, to do something about me. Probably the ' I have 40 things' or something like that, anyway, what do I mean by that? Honestly while writing this now, I'm not even sure what I'm talking about (yes you can stop reading here ;)) Anyway, a change, yes I had this feeling! Change something David! Well what? 

I alway thought meditation was about levitate Monks, if you remember this movie with Eddy Murphy, 'Golden Child' yes that was meditation for me, the little guy able to revive a butterfly by touching it.

When randomly a night where obviously I had nothing to do but browsing messenger because a friend of mine told me they added some BOT, I saw a BOT called Mediation BOT. (And yes it was a Saturday night ... Sad story haha... Or maybe worst a friday night). I tried to say Hello, to ask him questions like : hey that's Saturday night, any tips? No that much answers except :

 "Hey! Do you want to meditate?"

How fun!!!  Ehmmmm...

And that was it : after replying No, Maybe, I replied 'Yes'. What else I had to do on a Saturday evening... Let's the fun begin...

Sit down, find a relaxing position, straight back and comfortable... Relax... close your eyes ... Breath...

Focus on your breath ...  

 Ok ok ... I didn't levitate, but after this 10min of meditation practice, I was happy like "Hey, that was fun, and relaxing indeed!" 

The day after I did it again! I woke up and try to meditate again, who knows let see maybe it's cool. And that was cool and relaxing... Again ...

A year and few hours of meditations later this practice became a morning daily practice which I'lll never miss even if I'm late! Why? Maybe because it became a necessity to meet myself in person ten minutes a day.

I was thinking in loop mode, auto-mode where you never stop thinking about the past and the future. There was always something better in the future that I was trying to aim for. Until I realize that the only thing to aim was what I was experiencing now, the present, the now. 

 I've became more aware about my body, I know that's sound weird, but i never thought that much about my Pinky or my hair or my nose as much as I'm thinking about it while meditating sometime.

 Yes ok ... Amazing but what is the big change then?

For me everything change since my first meditation in my daily life.

One of the purpose of meditation it's to stop you to think in a loop and to identify your thoughts. Most of the time when we have a problem, an issue, we are always trying to fix it by thinking about it in 1000 differents way it could end up, trying to divine the future, even if we know that's impossible to do. Meditation made me realize that I was wasting my time and gave me some tools to understand and control myself, it help me to manage my stress at works for exemple and the most important : time is a gift that we shouldn't waste thinking of the past or the future.

We are here now.

 I think I spent the all year trying to convince my friends and some colleagues to start meditation, trying to share my experience of well being with them. Some of them tried. But talking or reading about it is one thing, doing it is an other one and the best way to know what I'm talking about is to sit down and doing it, as everyone will experience it in a different way. 

In our busy daily life, time fly and thinking about it now, I was working a lot, always thinking about what will happen next, what will be better and I forgot one thing : to be happy now.  Meditating everyday is a good reminder and every morning after my ten minutes of sitting still and breathing, I'm living my flat happy, no matter what my day is going to be...


Sit down, find a relaxing position, straight back and comfortable... Relax... close your eyes ... Breath...

Focus on your breath ...